The Dementia & Friendship Cafe

Orpington Village Hall is proud to be a member of the Bromley Dementia Action Alliance and an active part of the Bromley Dementia Friendly Community. We received the 2019 “Orpies” award for the Most Dementia Friendly Organisation in Orpington, and this has only been the start to our projects and ideas for the future.

As it is now the case that one in three people born in the UK today will develop dementia later in life, it is critical that organisations, and communities, are better prepared to support their members in living with the condition and ensuring they have the best quality of life possible. Orpington Village Hall is dedicated to providing a facility that is inclusive and accessible to all, as well as working on projects to benefit and support those living with Dementia and their families.

Our Cafes have been incorporated into a Friendship Cafe format, allowing for more people to attend to support each other and connect, not just those living with Dementia. Our Friendship Cafes are dementia friendly and guests are welcome to attend with family, friends and carers. Join in with our activities and celebrations every month with new friends and familiar faces.

23 April Cafe

St George’s Day Theme

Our Dementia & Friendship Cafe’s are funded by; Orpington Village Hall Charity Trust, donations and grants.

A huge thank you to the National Lottery Community Fund, their grant in Q1 2024 has played a huge part in allowing us to continue to offer our free to attend Cafe’s throughout 2024.

This funding has gone towards each cafe continuing to have; entertainment, refreshments and activities which all of the attendees, staff and trustees are extremely grateful for.